Just like with humans, dogs’ eyes make up a huge part of their physical identities. From the deepest browns to the clearest blues, eye color is instantly recognizable. While shades of brown are the most common, dog eye colors can fall across the spectrum, depending on the breed. Hazel, blue, and even green can all be found, and are often sought after by breeders and owners alike.
Orivet Blog
Depending on your dog’s breed and personality, the options for dog Christmas gifts are virtually endless. Choosing the right one is mostly a matter of what will make your canine’s life better.
Breathing problems in dogs affect many brachycephalic breeds, which have relatively broad, short skulls — such as bulldogs, pugs, and boxers.
Like many genetic conditions, achromatopsia does not have a known cure. However, an accurate diagnosis can help pet owners understand what their animals may be struggling with and how to support them.
In all the holiday preparation, it can be easy to forget to ensure that nothing from the festive table that can hurt your dog ends up in their bowls. Knowing what dogs can eat on the holidays is an essential part of meal planning for anyone planning to include their furry friends.
There are many health conditions that can affect the animals we love. Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is one challenging example, as it slowly but surely progresses in affected dogs. Thankfully, genetic testing can help us know what our pets may have in store as they age, allowing us to be prepared to handle anything that comes.
When getting a dog, choosing the right breed is essential. Different breeds are each suited to certain lifestyles and environments. So whether you’re looking for a cuddly lap dog, an active companion for your kids, or anything else, taking the time to compare dog breeds can help you choose the best new addition to your household.
Whether you’re considering a purebred puppy for cuddling to your heart’s content or a fully trained show dog, our 2022 Guide to Purebred Dogs can help you find the right dog.
When a child is feeling unwell, they can usually tell you what’s bothering them. Even if it’s as simple as, “My tummy hurts,” a human’s ability to communicate helps you…
Whether you consider yourself a pet owner, a breeder, or a fur parent, there’s one thing anyone with a dog can agree on: that we want them to live happy,…