For many people, the perfect dog to add to any wanted list is that of the Labrador. Strong, smart, charismatic and brave, they make absolutely brilliant pets. What many people fail to recognize, though, is the challenge in understanding a Labrador. As brilliant as they are, they are also deeply complex and intellectually challenging dogs that will really make it hard for a new owner to find equilibrium.
To help you make sure you can better understand what your Labrador is going to be like, let’s take a look at some of the general characteristics these dogs retain.
For example, the Labrador was originally bred for one single purpose: to help fisherman. The ultimate fisherman’s friend, they would work alongside their trawler companions, giving them help to make sure they had company and keep maintain high morale when working. Originally seen on the island of Newfoundland, this fashionable trait of having a Labrador companion became pretty much commonplace.
Their ability to handle swimming against heavy currents as well as being able to handle low temperatures made them perfect. Add in their thick, strong and sturdy waterproof coats and the Labrador was an immediate choice for helping sea workers.

The Labrador was originally bred for one single purpose: to help fisherman.
When they were brought to the UK, the Labrador also became a popular choice for shooting practice. Not to be shot at, but to help find quality game. Intelligent and well-meaning animals, they can carry other creatures in their mouths without chewing down and harming them. It’s because of this easy to work with temperament and their cool, calm nature that makes them the perfect choice for so many tasks.
As the years progressed, they have become essential in everything from police and military work to companions. Thanks to their eloquent nature, these dogs can be excellent additions to have around.
The Strength of the Labrador
However, one of the main characteristics outside of their relative intellect and versatility is their physical prowess. Strong and medium-to-large in size, they can be as much as 80lbs when they reach adulthood. Usually very much in proportion, these are dogs with a typical genetic balance that ensures they can maintain a longer quality of life.
This helps to add to their overall physical power and prowess. While other breeds of dog can be far less impressive in how they look, and how their bodies support themselves, the Labrador has by far and away one of the best forms of physical balance.
With strong jaws and a great full-length muzzle, these are dogs with an ability to offer great strength in their jaws. The muzzle allows for the dog to stay relatively cool even when involved in major activity, which can go a long way to really helping to change how it feels when staying active. These are dogs that are strong, smart, well-balanced genetically and typically very eloquent in how they go about their business.
You would need to go quite far to find a Labrador that isn’t in strong physical condition or does not have a body that offers ample support.
Another important part of a good Labrador is its quality of coat. As we mentioned above, they have strong waterproof coats that make them excellent for water-based activity. However, their natural gleam ensures that out of all the pet types out there, a Labrador requires the least grooming on the owners’ side to keep it looking awesome. Typically, it can have a yellow-ish coat, a chocolate coat or a black coat.
These are common – all other mentions and colour schemes suggested are, strictly speaking, incorrect. Only the three above are part of the characteristics of a Labradors coat.
Are Labradors Athletic?
Yes, very. They started out as good companions and have developed into very useful assistants, as well. Their excellent physical balance and intellect makes them a good dog for doing a variety of tasks, with wonderful sprinting capacity across small distances and a great stride that can see it run for many miles at a consistent pace, they are very much strong and able Labrador dogs.
Usually, these are surprisingly quite nimble on the feet at the same time. good at making quick turns and also capable of jumping well over a meter in height with training, the Labrador is a very impressive dog indeed. However, one of the main reasons a Labrador can be so effective and athletic comes down to their excellent mentality.

Labrador playing in the water
Few forms of dog can be claimed to be as kind and as calming to be around as a Labrador. They are tolerant of just about all dogs, they are very easy-going and need little attention compared to other breeds, and just in general can be fun to spend some time around. While not every Labrador is going to be this picture of serenity, the vast majority are.
Aggression and nervousness can become common traits when a dog is in a new and uncomfortable surrounding, or with new people. While a well-trained Labrador is going to be far more likely to maintain a happiness and a shape even in new experiences, expect some early apprehension. While they aren’t a breed known for striking out or scaring easily, you should always look to help these friendly canines into any kind of social situation.
Labradors – Joviality Mixed with Maturity
While it’s not uncommon to find a Labrador to be a bit of a fool at times, with a good bit of training you can help overcome that somewhat clumsy and over-the-top nature. Best dealt with at a young age, this bubbly and optimistic personality is part of the typical Labrador characteristic.
Like any breed of dog, though, it depends on where it was brought it – for example, US and UK-bred Labradors are quite different. Some are more field-trained, some are trained for showbiz events and the like.
The characteristics can be determined by how it was raised and where it was raised, and for what purpose. Generally, though, they are very inventive and exciting animals that showcase a genuine restraint and calmness at all times.
If you are expecting your Labrador to be a ferocious fighter or a guard dog, you are in the wrong place. These are among the most serene and calming of all animal breeds out there, for sure. If you would rather a companion that you can love and trust, the Labrador almost certainly becomes that dog for you.