When it comes to dogs, Retriever breeds are definitely among some of the most beloved and popular. Without doubt, they are one of the most impressive styles of dog and for that reason many people choose to invest in one. However, walk into a pet shop or a breeders and you will find it hard to get a dog simply by asking for a “Retriever”!
In truth, there are many forms of retriever that you can pick from. This makes it quite tough to ensure that you are getting the right type of retriever that fits your needs and personality. Not only is the Retriever ‘range’ of dogs very impressive, they are quite specific – and very different from one another. Let’s take a quick look, then, at what types of retrievers are out there today.
Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers
The most common breed of the Retrievers, the Labrador Retriever is very much worth your time. They come in three distinctive coat colors – chocolate, yellow and black – and also various forms in terms of where they are raised. A British Lab, for example, is quite different to one raised in the US. They have different genetics and purposes in life, and thus everything from their shape to their personality can change a little depending on where they come from.
The Field-bred types tend to be far more energetic and will usually be up for a long, grueling fitness session. They love to be out and about and seeing the world, and make the perfect breed of dog for those who are looking for something a bit more active in terms of a pet.
Also, at the same time, you get the Labradors that are bred for the showcase world. They are calmer, cooler under pressure, and don’t mind being in crowds. They tend to be very obedient and friendly, and can be a great choice for those who want something a touch more easy-going.
Curly Coat Retrievers

Curly Coat Retrievers
Their rather comical name aside, the Curly Coat Retriever is a stunning breed of dog, one that you can almost certainly fall in love with. They are one of the oldest breeds of dog in the Retriever family. With a deep coat that is tightly curled and is more or less waterproof in nature, these stunning dogs are very sturdy and intelligent animals. You could spend a lot of time with them, as they are great dogs for both being out and about with as well as just spending some time around in general.
Not only are these dogs very impressive, they carry significant amounts of empathy. For those who want a dog that is active, engaging and caring all at once, this might just be the perfect place for you to start working with.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
While not one that everyone will have seen in person, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are becoming increasingly more common in recent times. These are strong, stout and hardy dogs that are much tougher than any other breed of Retriever. With a very dense, wavy coat, they tend to be very powerful dogs that aren’t quite as aesthetic as their daintier family members. If you want a Retriever but you want one with a bit of power behind it, then this is almost certainly the place to start with.
These are quite the opposite of other breeds, though, in they are fairly ferocious. Not to say that they are dangerous, but their upbringing determines a lot in how much they can take. While other breeds are more likely to want a cuddle with an intruder than to do something about it, a particularly tough member of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever family would be quite happy to fight back, so ensure you get one that fits the personality you desire.
Flat Coated Retriever

Flat Coated Retriever
The opposite to the Curly Coated Retriever, this is a walking Duracell battery of a pet. They are hugely intelligent but also massively energetic. They can be a bit over the top and a touch hard work for those who want something more serene. However, they are very good dogs for those who enjoy interaction and want to get out more.
They demand a lot of exercise and can very easily make fools of you if you are not prepared for an exhausting physical experience – so be ready with one of these dogs!
Novia Scotia Retriever

Novia Scotia Retriever
A very rare breed to many, they are incredible intelligent but don’t have anything like the same size or presence as the above. However, many would estimate that this small and physically limited breed of dog more than makes up for that by being among the smartest of dog breeds. They are very beautiful, too, with a deep and dense coat that looks stunning. They tend to be a very useful form of dog to be around, but they are in need of a lot of work in terms of training and socialization.
Their intellect makes them a touch introverted compared to other dogs, so they do need a bit of coaxing to come and see the other dogs you have!
Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers
Probably next in line, they are among the most stunning of dogs and are up there with the very elite in the entire species. They are usually very intelligent, obedient and friendly. They are safe to be around and make a wonderful choice for those who are looking for a happy, friendly little dog that can make your life a lot easier – and entertain the kids. These creatures are among some of the most beloved of their kind, so the Golden Retriever is almost certainly a creature worth paying attention to.
Stylish and cool, they make a very impressive animal to spend time around, and their wonderful, composed temper makes them perfect to be around children.
Overall, you should feel far more comfortable with the way that this family of dog operates. It’s a cool and charming set of breeds, and one that you can easily find the right kind of dog for you. Be sure to do some more digging to fully ‘get’ each breed so that you can make sure your investment of time, love and affection is for the correct breed!